Current situation on the pandemic
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Dear customers,
We, the Fleischhacker GmbH & Co.KG, are very concerned to inform you as our loyal business partners about the effects of the current situation on our industry in a transparent way. Contrary to our hopes, the situation regarding the spread of the coronavirus in Europe is unfortunately developing very badly at the moment and poses new challenges for all of us both professionally and privately.
Our stock levels are decreasing rapidly and our capacity limits for processing orders have been exceeded. Urgently needed products are unfortunately no longer available and cannot be supplied from other sources at short notice. We receive a large flood of orders, especially for disinfectants, goods from China, but also for products manufactured in other Asian countries. These orders are affected by long delivery times, drastic price increases and strongly rising logistics costs.
In this exceptional situation, our primary objective is to ensure the most comprehensive supply possible. So far, we have completely refrained from raising prices, although we are confronted with a changed cost situation. We can no longer withstand this cost pressure and must therefore adjust our prices. We assure you, however, that we will adjust our prices at most in line with the increase of our suppliers.
Due to the current high volume of orders and simultaneous interruptions in production and the supply chain, however, extremely long delivery times may occur. As no delivery dates are known for a number of products at the present time, we ask for your understanding that we can only make statements to this effect if the goods are available from stock. We would like to ask you to keep an eye on your orders placed with us and contact us in case of doubt.
At this point we would like to say THANK YOU for the trust you have placed in us. Stay healthy!
Your Fleischhacker team